Complete Internet Repair Full Version

Complete Internet Repair is an all in one tool that works to fix various kinds of connection problems that are common on the internet network on Windows operating systems including when Windows cannot connect to the Internet. In addition to using a standalone algorithm, this tool also uses the default Windows troubleshooter 10. With this application you can reset Internet protocols, repair Winsock, flush DNS, repair Internet Explorer browsers, delete Windows Update history, reset proxy server configuration, restore Windows Firewall settings, and much more. Complete Internet Repair Full Version Features What can be repaired With any repair utility, you will need to remember two golden rules. Firstly; Do not try to repair something that is not broken, you might break it. Secondly; the utility cannot repair it all, we are not like the all-seeing and all-knowing Oracle, we cannot anticipate each and every situation, but this all said; Complete Internet Repair should be able to h...